Tired of Living on Autopilot?

Rewire Your Subconscious Mind with a Custom MindSync Affirmation

Recording & Start Living the Life You Want!

If You've Tried Manifesting or Affirmations Before and Got Nothing... You're Not Alone!

How many times have you heard it?

“Just think positive!”

“Use affirmations!”

“Manifest your dream life!”

It sounds good in theory, but maybe you've tried affirmations or vision boards before... and nothing happened. You put in the effort, but things stayed the same.

Life feels like it’s stuck on repeat—same struggles, same patterns, same frustrations. You feel like you're living on autopilot, just going through the motions, waiting for something to change.

Here's the truth: it's not your fault...

When your subconscious mind is running the show, it can block any efforts to create the change you want. It doesn’t matter how many times you say “I am abundant” if, deep down, your subconscious is stuck in old limiting beliefs of "I'll never have enough, making money is hard, etc"

It’s Time to Rewire Your Mind for Real Change

That’s where the MindSync Affirmation Recording comes in. Unlike generic affirmations or mindset hacks that don’t stick, this service goes deeper—straight to the subconscious level—helping you create the lasting changes you’ve been looking for.

With MindSync, we bypass the barriers your subconscious has built up over the years by using what's called a binaural process. We’re talking about personalized affirmations that are carefully crafted from the top things you'd love to have in your life NOW!

You decide what you'd like to manifest, from your financial goals, dreams, and everything in between to create the life you truly want to live!

Why This Works (and Why Others Didn't)

Most affirmation strategies don’t work because they don’t speak to your unique needs or overcome the mental resistance that’s been building for years.

MindSync is an affirmation programming tool that delivers affirmations of your own voice through a binaural process. There is no other tool(s) on the market that can provide the same process and benefits.

Check out this conversation about how MindSync has been a game changer for people!

Here’s what MindSync does differently:

  • No more cookie-cutter affirmations: Everything is tailored to your specific desires, whether it’s financial freedom, better relationships, or that dream home.

  • Bypasses subconscious barrier: We use technology to reprogram the deepest layers of your mind, By listening with headphones and the hertz being offset in each ear, you hear it in the center of your brain and right into the unconscious mind

  • Speaks to your exact vision: You’ll help design the affirmations around the exact life you want to create. The tech syncs these affirmations with your brain’s natural rhythms to create lasting change.

  • The most powerful voice is your own: Repeating affirmations in your own words and tone, is considered the most effective way to influence your subconscious mind. That combined with the MindSync technology... These affirmations go beyond words—they're designed to speak to the core of who you are and what you’re capable of becoming!

Here’s How You Can Get Started Today

Custom Affirmations

Designed for You

After a short call (or filling out a form if you prefer), you’ll share your top 5-10 things you want to manifest. We’ll dive deep into your vision and goals.

Crafting Your Perfect

"Day In The Life"

After going over your list to manifest, I will work to create the perfect way to describe what it is you want. This will guide your affirmations so they are specific and targeted.

Personalized Mindsync Recording

Once you have the exact affirmations you want, you will record yourself speaking them with conviction. Then I'll make your final recording with the offset hertz.

Record and Listen

I’ll send you the personalized recording with your choice of ambient background sound (if you'd like) for you to listen to every day, embedding those powerful affirmations into your subconscious.

MindSync Is the Key

Why This Isn’t Just Another Set of Affirmations

What’s so special about Mindsync? It’s the tech behind it all. The reason affirmations alone haven’t worked for you is because your subconscious is wired to resist change—The ego is doing its job by keeping you "safe" in your comfort zone.

Mindsync uses a binaural process which is a cognitive process that combines the different auditory information presented to each ear. In MindSync, the auditory differential is 8Hz in each ear; this creates a third message in the center of the brain that supersedes the subconscious barrier.

This allows your unconscious to accept the affirmations, rewiring your mind to align with the life you’re wanting to create!

What Do You Get?

  • Guided Clarity Session OR Form Submission Option —choose how you want to work with me to craft your vision.

  • A fully customized affirmation recording designed to reprogram your subconscious and align your thoughts with your ideal life.

  • Lifetime access to your affirmation recording.

  • Bonus 1: A guide on how to use affirmations to achieve rapid results.

  • Bonus 2: Access to a private community group for ongoing support and motivation.

  • Bonus 3: First 5 people to claim this offer will also receive a FREE Inner Voice Scan, complete with report and custom sound therapy to release trapped emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

It depends on how clear you are about what you want. You will have to record yourself in a quiet place, then the recording/ sending part on my end can be done very quickly though.

How often should I listen to the recording?

As often as you want! There's no wrong answer here. I would suggest listening to them first thing in the morning and right before bed and/or during sleep while your subconscious is working.

How soon will I see results?

This also depends a lot on you and how open you are to receiving, how focused you are on the LACK of whatever it is, etc. But I will tell you I've seen physical evidence of abundance within 24 hours!

What if I don’t want to get on a call?

No worries! You can fill out a form of the top 5-10 things you'd like to manifest and we can chat via email, social media, etc if needed.

What People Are Saying

I can NOT stress enough how freaking amazing & powerful MindSync is!

I posted a video on YouTube about 10 days ago. OMG! After a week of this video being posted and doing ok, nothing notable… I recorded an affirmation about my YouTube growing...

Once I started listening to my recording- my video is OVER 100,000 views! AND still blowing up :-)

Okay so I started using MindSync this week and Y’ALL...

We had made some bad financial choices in our early 20’s that have come back to bite me (a 5 year auto loan I barely made a dent in 10 years later) but anyway...

One of my affirmations is
“I expect and receive miracles.”

Well, today, the bank told me they are getting our insurance company to pay off the entire remainder of the principal. OMFG!

OMG! I Love MindSync!

While I haven't done affirmations in years, combining them with frequency is powerful. I can actually feel the energy of these frequencies when they're running.

I hated listening to my voice the first few I recorded. But as I listened, my acceptance of my voice shifted.

Now I love listening to my voice reading the affirmations.

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