Is CBD Worth it? Find Out If Green Compass is Actually The Best CBD!

  Hey I’m Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! So what’s the big deal about CBD and what about this Green Compass you keep hearing about…. is it worth it??? Well let me tell you this… CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant that is becoming increasingly […]

Grateful To Have More Than Just Time / Money Freedom

  Hey It’s Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! Have you ever just took a step back and really looked at your life? All the things you have going, the people in it and the impact you’ve made so far? Are you where you thought or hoped you’d be? Did you grow […]

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

Hi I’m Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! So what is this endocannabinoid system (ECS for short) that you keep hearing about?! It’s probably one of the most important medical discoveries of our time, in my opinion at least. Discovered in 1990 while working with lab rats, soon after they found that […]

Most Common Misconceptions About CBD

Hey It’s Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! Let’s talk about the most common misconceptions when it comes to CBD shall we. So many people think CBD is one and the same with “weed” or “pot”. I can understand that, however it’s absolutely not the truth. 1. CBD is the same as […]


Hi I’m Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! It’s no secret that people like to hate on network marketing as a whole. It’s unfortunate because it can absolutely be life changing for so many people! I don’t mean making millions (although lots of people do) but real residual income for families can […]