Grateful To Have More Than Just Time / Money Freedom

  Hey It’s Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! Have you ever just took a step back and really looked at your life? All the things you have going, the people in it and the impact you’ve made so far? Are you where you thought or hoped you’d be? Did you grow […]

Ikigai – Finding Your Life’s Purpose

  Hey It’s Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! Do you ever wonder if you’re doing what you’re meant to do? Or what would be your ideal job to make you happy and make a living?? Well I have been doing this 21 day abundance challenge and it’s been pretty eye opening! […]

My Big Dreams

Hi I’m Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! This is all about my big dreams and plans for this channel and Facebook group. Because I was a medical mystery most of my life, and struggled to find help for my son…. I’ve become pretty resourceful. Now that my whole life has been […]


Hi I’m Julie Jabs and thanks so much for stopping by! It’s no secret that people like to hate on network marketing as a whole. It’s unfortunate because it can absolutely be life changing for so many people! I don’t mean making millions (although lots of people do) but real residual income for families can […]